Open SSL vulnerabilities fixed

New versions are available for jbc.FTX and jbc.FTX API. The vulnerable OpenSSL version has been replaced by versions in which the bug has been fixed. Now the OpenSSL versions 1.1.1s and 3.0.7 are included, in these versions the two vulnerabilities CVE-2022-3786 and CVE-2022-3602 are closed.Details on the gaps can be found under the following links. […]

EBICS 3.0 support implemented

In jbc.FTX API, the new EBICS 3.0 contracts can now be used for communication with banks that issue them.The newly introduced Business Transaction Format (BTF) parameters are supported. To request the latest version, please contact our support

Conversion of the Finnova protocol to WinHTTP

In order to achieve more stable communication, WinHTTP will be used in future for communication within the Finnova protocol.This means that the consequences of undocumented rights dependencies in Windows no longer affect communication. The management of proxy settings becomes clearer and more flexible. The dependence on the Internet Explorer settings no longer applies.The system requirements […]

BNP Paribas is new EBICS Institute in jbc FTX

BNP Paribas, Paris, was added as a new EBICS bank. The bank mainly uses bilateral EBICS order types: Please contact us at if you want to exchange data with BNP Paribas.

Solution for: AKB login problem when using e-banking contracts

Recently, more and more problems have occurred when logging in with e-banking contracts at AKB. The bank page returns an error message ‘Unknown state, restart session!’ when logging in. The problem does not occur with all customers, but with all new contracts. We have implemented a workaround so that the login works as before. The […]

New EBICS Institutes in jbc FTX

New EBICS institutes are connected in FTX: IID 766: Banque Cantonale Neuchâteloise, 2001 Neuchâtel IID 6808: Bank Sparhafen AG, 8001 Zürich IID 8349: Caisse d’Epargne Riviera, 1800 Vevey 1 IID 8392: Freie Gemeinschaftsbank, 4002 Basel IID 8396: Spar- und Leihkasse Gürbetal AG, 3127 Mühlethurnen

jbc FTX supports UBS Pay Together

EBICS supports the submission of payment orders without a signature. Banks can use this opportunity to provide their customers with useful services. You can now also use these options with ‘jbc FTX’ and ‘jbc FTX API’. UBS provides corresponding services under the name UBS Pay Together. Other institutions (e.g. PostFinance) also use this special deposit […]

FTX NG remains future-proof as jbc FTX API

We took over the FTX NG product from Crealogix AG at the beginning of 2022 and are continuing to develop it as jbc FTX.API. All existing customers keep their licence and can continue to use the product directly. Maintenance and support contracts can be seamlessly overwritten and continued. In this way, we ensure secure business […]

jbc FTX – takeover, maintenance and support

FTX CH becomes jbc FTX – we take over the maintenance and software support and give all licensees future and planning security for further productive use. As jbc Software GmbH, we deliver reliable solutions with good support for easy integration and processing of banking communication. As an application for banks and companies and as modules […]

Note – Communication with Aargauer Kantonalbank

We have received the following information from the manufacturer of the Aargauer Kantonalbank’s banking software: The OfflineTool is offered the last login method used, which was supplied by the DBAN Auth server.Unfortunately, the web browser is redirected to the login page of the Airlock IAM and the last login method used is not set. To […]