jbc FTX – takeover, maintenance and support

FTX CH becomes jbc FTX – we take over the maintenance and software support and give all licensees future and planning security for further productive use.

As jbc Software GmbH, we deliver reliable solutions with good support for easy integration and processing of banking communication. As an application for banks and companies and as modules for software houses.

At the turn 2021/2022 we acquired the rights to FTX from Crealogix AG. We are continuing the product under the name jbc.FTX as part of our “Banking – Security – Communication” strategy, thus ensuring long-term maintenance, updates and support.
We have compiled the current range of functions of jbc FTX for you on the product page. We inform you about updates and upcoming development cycles via our BLOG as well as by direct message to existing maintenance customers.

All existing licences of FTX CH remain valid and the software may continue to be used.

For optimal use and the provision of ongoing updates and support, we recommend concluding a maintenance contract. We offer this – also for old licences – at currently CHF 138 per year plus the applicable VAT.

If you are interested in obtaining a jbc FTX licence or in concluding a maintenance contract, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@jbc-software.ch or via our contact form.