Use Pay&Flow as the ideal enabler of a secure data workflow between bank and ERP and vice versa. Or integrate Pay&Flow into the architecture of their solution, using NOVA services from their own applications.
Automated banking
Corporate customers automate secure data exchange and payment transactions with financial institutions with Pay&Flow. The secure flow of data from and to the financial institutions takes place as if by itself.
Processes are closely monitored and the data flow is tracked in detail, resulting in a decisive security advantage and transparency for every Pay&Flow user. The end-to-end secured data flows are tamper-resistant. This means that automated data flows are not a security risk.
- The jbc user interface to NOVA is an application for payment transactions and liquidity management for corporate customers.
- Provides full access to your banking operations with a web user interface, user and multi-client capability.
- Offers extensive data transfer possibilities including automation: Let the communication run in the background – 24/7.
- Manage clients, users, access and signature rights, communication contracts and parameters, accounts, account statements, turnovers, reservations, planning data, payments and payment orders, signatures, communication jobs and planning, etc.